The Artist

Jordan Cook
Back in August, Ashley Wolf brought a young man from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada into the studio to record a Podcast prior to his headlining our live CAU Showcase at the bottom lounge. Because we were really busy, I had not had the time to go to his site and listen to him.
So in comes this skinny, lanky, man Jordan Cook with a big smile on his face and a guitar nowhere in sight. So, he borrowed a few of mine and proceeded to absolutely blow my mind. I have not seen a guitarist like him since my days in England in the late 60's watching another young man from the Northwest of the United States. Hmm, let's see, oh yes, that man's name was Jimi Hendrix. You are about to see what I mean. I thank Ashley for getting this guitar phenom in my studio. I am not sure I will ever see such a brilliant talent for the rest of this life.
My mission is to bring him back this Spring/Summer2012. If you agree with me, please let me know.
Right now, sit down and enjoy this video and take a listen to his entire show on
Michael Teach, Founder/Host, CAU